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Release Notes»Version 2014.2.3.3
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Last modified on 8/18/2014 11:50 AM by User.


Version 2014.2.3.3

This version was released to all customers on August 19, 2014.

Minor Enhancements

3908: Customer Contact

We've added the standard address fields to this screen, along with a flag that indicates whether or not this contact should be included in mailings. We've also added two additional alternate phone numbers that can be used to track either phone or fax numbers.

3912: Customer Location Maintenance

Custom fields are now available at the Customer Location level. These fields will only be displayed and available in the maintenance screen.

3937: Customer Payment

If the user tries to reverse a payment that is of type "Credit Card", and the user is set up for credit card integration, and the credit card transaction has not been voided, the user will receive a warning question prior to reversing the payment.

3910: Dynamic Inquiry

Added a new menu button under the "Format" menu. This button is titled "Reset All Customization". This function will close the screen and erase all customizations so that the screen can be reverted to its original state.

3914: Item Alert Maintenance

Item alerts now have a Description field. This new field functions the same way that the description field functions for Customer Alerts.

3899: Item Maintenance

We've added a new field to this screen to track the last time the list price was updated. The user can edit this field, but the system will set it automatically whenever the list price is modified.

3900: Item Search

Added a column chooser option for "Last List Price Update".

3911: Item Search

The Item Search grid now has a column chooser option that will display the item's primary vendor (if assigned).

3932: Promotion Maintenance

Promotions can now be done by product group in addition to the existing item based promotions. As a result of this addition, the Promotion Maintenance screen has been reorganized to look more like the Price Contract Maintenance screen.

3933: Promotions Maintenance

All of the pricing options that are available in Price Contracts are now available in Promotions as well.

3904: Purchase Order

Added a new field to track FOB. This field is defaulted based on the setting from the vendor.

3898: Sales Order

When adding a detail to a sales order line, the line's cost will now be set to the cost determined at the detail level. This cost override will only occur on the first detail added. All subsequent details will be ignored.

3902: Sales Order

FOB is now available in the sales order interface. This value will be defaulted based on the setting in the customer record.

3957: Sales Order

When creating a Vendor Drop Ship or Purchase Order detail, the system will now default the quantity UM and cost UM on the resulting PO line to the vendor item's corresponding units instead of the item's corresponding units.

3913: User Document Settings

Users can now override the document settings for Customer Quotes for their own user account. This allows the user to redirect the output to a specific printer.

3915: Vendor Alert Maintenance

Vendor alerts now have a Description field. This new field functions the same way that the description field functions for Customer Alerts.

3905: Vendor Contract Maintenance

Fixed costs are now available as a costing method in vendor cost contracts.

3901: Vendor Item Cost Comparison

Vendor Targets are now viewable in the child grid beneath each individual vendor represented in the main grid.

3906: Vendor Item Cost Comparison

Added a column chooser option for "Source". This field will show the source of the cost: "Vendor List Price", "Bracket", or "Contract".

3909: Vendor Item Cost Comparison

Added a column chooser option so that the user can customize the SKU into the grid.

3907: Vendor Item Maintenance

We've added the ability to specify additional units of measure at the vendor item level.

3903: Vendor Maintenance

Added a new field to capture FOB.

Bug Fixes

3600: Bank Account Reconciliation

Corrected an issue that could cause the "Reconciled Amount" to become incorrect when using the "Select All" check box at the top of the grid.

3784: Contact Appointment Calendar

Corrected two issues. First, appointments that have been dismissed are now being recognized and saved as dismissed so that the user does not get the notification again the next time Acclamare is opened. Second, appointments are now being deleted from the database when the user deletes them from the calendar.

3959: Counter Sales

Corrected an issue that caused counter sales to produce an invoice with a currency exchange rate of 0. This situation caused several errors in later sales invoice processing.

3309: Customer Contact

Corrected an issue that could cause the main menu and toolbar to disappear under certain circumstances.

2623: Customer Refund

Corrected an issue with reversing a refund. The issue caused the general ledger entry to cash to be $0.

3021: Expedite and Follow Up

Corrected an unhandled exception that could occur when using any of the "Copy This Note" functions. The system could become confused as to which note was being copied and the error would occur.

3717: Sales Order

Corrected an issue that could cause the payment screen to be in a read-only state when the user was trying to enter a pre-payment.

3836: Sales Order

Corrected an issue that caused the sales order to continue to act as though a pre-payment was assigned after the payment was reversed or marked NSF.

3586: Unit Cost Adjustment

Corrected incorrect general ledger entries that occurred when the user adjusted a sales invoice that had not yet been posted.

3598: Warehouse Transfer

Corrected an issue that could cause inventory to be over committed if the user typed a value into the "Committed" field that was greater than the quantity available.

3860: Warehouse Transfer

Corrected an unhandled exception that occurred when the user pressed "Reset This Transfer" when no transfer was loaded in the screen.