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Release Notes»Version 2015.1.1.8
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Last modified on 5/5/2015 9:57 AM by User.


Version 2015.1.1.8

This version was released to all customers on May 4, 2015.

Minor Enhancements

4362: Bank Withdrawal

Relevant queries have been optimized in an effort to improve the performance of the posting routine.

5499: Bookings

In an effort to improve system-wide performance, the bookings table has been modified, indexes have been added, and related queries have been optimized.

5601: Bookings

In an effort to remove a performance bottleneck, bookings have been redesigned in the database. The existing bookings table is unmodified and is still the table that reports should be run against. A new table now exists that temporarily caches new booking information. Also, a new scheduled job has been added that will roll the cache into the bookings table and clean out the cache.

5173: Counter Sales

When searching for a Customer Job, the search is now limited to jobs for the customer assigned to the counter sale.

5003: Customer Collections

When looking for all open documents for a specific customer, the system will now retrieve documents that have a "Follow-up Date" that has not yet arrived. Previously, these documents were being filtered out because of that date. Now, when providing a specific customer filter and specifying a "Due Date Status" of "All Open Documents", these documents will be retrieved.

5205: Customer History Inquiry

Credits that are tied to counter sales (instead of sales orders) are now included in the results.

5571: Customer Maintenance

Added a new button to the "Actions" menu: "Add This Customer to a Price Contract ...". This feature will allow the user to select a contract from the contract search. Once a contract is chosen, the system will automatically add the customer to that contract and will make an attempt to set the appropriate values based on other customers that are already participating in the contract.

5572: Customer Maintenance

Added a new button to the "Actions" menu: "Add This Customer to a Promotion ...". This feature will allow the user to select a promotion from the promotion search. Once a promotion is chosen, the system will automatically add the customer to that promotion and will make an attempt to set the appropriate values based on other customers that are already participating in the promotion.

5000: Customer Payment

When the payment is being taken from a Customer Payor, the system will now update the Last Payment Date for each customer involved in the payment.

5001: Customer Payment

Added two new dates to the database and to the screen. The system will now capture and display the date the payment was reversed and/or NSF'd when applicable.

5507: Customer Payment

Indexes have been added to the database to improve the performance of this area.

5171: Customer Quick Add

Added the logic to this screen that helps verify zip codes.

5349: Customer Quote

When the associated customer does not have an assigned warehouse, the user's assigned warehouse will be used as the default instead.

5609: Customer Quote

After creating a Kit Quote, the customer quote line will now reflect the cumulative cost per kit.

4999: Customer Return

In order to prevent confusion, the ellipsis button has been removed from the "Return to Vendor" column. Now, the function that the button provided has been moved into the main menu under View -> Vendor Item Costs ...

5376: Customer Return Receiving

Added a new column to the vertical grid that displays the warehouse that the goods are being received into.

4966: Kit Order

A new button has been added to the "Actions" menu: "Assign Line Unit Controls". This button can be used to automatically assign unit control numbers at the line level instead of manually picking numbers on a line-by-line basis.

4540: Pay Vendors

The filters for this function have been redesigned. The new filters are:

  • Find By
    • Due Date
    • Discount Date
    • Due Date or Discount Date
  • On or Before Date
    • Based on the "Find By" filter, the system will use this date to search for open invoices
    • The default value for this filter is today's date plus seven days
  • Vendor's Default Payment Method
    • This filter can be used to segregate your payments into check runs vs. credit card runs vs. EFT runs, etc.
    • This filter can be set to "Any" so that you can review all invoices regardless of payment method.

4779: Purchase Order Expedite

In order to improve the performance of retrieving data for this area, the relevant queries have been optimized.

5481: Sales Invoice

Surcharges are now included in the invoices tax calculations when the invoice is taxable.

5482: Sales Invoice

In order to prevent confusion, the "Is Surcharge Taxable?" has been removed from Sales Invoice and Sales Order. Previously, this flag was visible to the user, but unused by the system. Now, the system is properly taxing surcharges and this flag is not needed.

4655: Sales Order

The system will now allow the user to change the warehouse of a sales order has lines on it already. This will be disallowed if the order is not in "Open" status or if any of the lines have a detail record that is not of the "Special Order" type. If the change is allowed, all lines will be updated appropriately to reflect the new warehouse.

4971: Sales Order

The delete process has been improved to make deleting an order with special order details easier. The user no longer needs to delete the individual details prior to deleting the entire order.

5377: Sales Order

Added a hyperlink to the Transfer column in the line detail grid so that the user can drill into the associated transfer.

5449: Shipping

We've optimized code, tuned queries, and added database indexes in order to improve the performance of the posting process.

5333: Terms

Made a system-wide change that prevents "Manual" terms from being assigned as the default type for customer or vendors. These terms will also only be available in Direct Sales Invoices, Manual Documents, and Vendor Invoices.

5594: Vendor Drop Ship Confirmation

To be more consistent with the way the Shipping UI works, this screen has had a slight redesign. Now, when the user clicks the "New" button, they will be presented with a search window to find the PO they wish to confirm.

5146: Vendor Invoice

Added the invoice vendor's address information to the screen.

5506: Vendor Item Cost Comparison

In an effort to improve performance, indexes have been added to the database and relevant queries have been optimized.

4419: Vendor Rebates

Vendor Rebates can now be calculated based on Item Family.

5070: Warehouse Transfer

To go along with the existing question that asks the user to set the status to "Shipped", we've now added a prompt to set the status to "Received".

5351: Warehouse Transfer

The user is now prevented from changing either warehouse once lines have been added to the transfer.

Bug Fixes

5574: Customer Credit

Corrected an issue that could cause Current Balance to be set to an incorrect value under certain circumstances when the Credit was being created. The end result was that the Current Balance was not including any taxes.

4393: Customer Location Quick Add

Corrected an issue that prevented address information from being updated after the user selected a Zip Code.

5172: Customer Location Quick Add

Corrected an issue that could prevent the Zip Code function from working properly.

5500: Customer Quote

Corrected an issue that caused the price from a Kit Quote to be based on list price instead of the customer normal pricing strategy.

5355: General Ledger

In order to improve transactional performance, the general ledger account balances will no longer be updated on a transactional basis. Instead, they will simply be updated by the existing Scheduled Job "Recalculate Account Balances".

5365: General Ledger Inquiry

Corrected an unhandled exception that occurred when using the User filter.

5379: Item Compliment Maintenance

Corrected an unhandled exception that was caused by the typical "where" error.

5262: Kit Disassembly

Corrected an unhandled exception that occurred when trying to disassmble a unit controlled kit.

5515: Manual AR Document

Corrected an error that prevented new documents from being posted.

5281: Replenishment

Corrected an issue pertaining to class 13 items. These items were being properly excluded from "All Demand" replenishment, but not from "Stock Demand".

5514: Sales Order

Corrected an issue that could allow freight charges to be miscalculated if the associated Freight Charge was set up will more than two brackets.

5598: Vendor Drop Ship Confirmation

Corrected an unhandled exception that occurred if one of the lines being confirmed was for an item that didn't have a description.