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Release Notes»Version 2015.1.4.1
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Last modified on 11/20/2015 2:20 PM by User.


Version 2015.1.4.1

This version was released to all customers on November 20, 2015.

Minor Enhancements

6374: Autofill

Added a new column called SettingsInventory.UseAutoAllocation which has three possible values

  • No
  • Yes
  • Only When All Documents Can Be Filled

The "None" option from SettingsInventory.AutoAllocationMethod was removed. A script is included that will set UseAutoAllocation and update AutoAllocationMethod. If AutoAllocationMethod was 0 (None) then UseAutoAllocation is set to 0 (No). If AutoAllocationMethod was greater than 0 then it is set to its current value - 1 and UseAutoAllocation is set to 1 (Yes).

The backorder filling routing was modified to take the new flag into consideration.

  • If the value is 0, the routine ignores all backorders
  • If the value is 1, the routine functions normally (no changes were made to this logic).
  • If the value is 2, StockItem.QuantityBackordered is checked. If that value if greater than the quantity being added to available, the routine ignores all backorders Otherwise, it behaves normally

6430: Company Required Fields

We've added new fields for Customer: Custom Fields 1-10.

6431: Company Required Fields

We've added new fields for Item: Group and Custom Fields 1-10.

6432: Company Required Fields

We've added a new field for Purchase Order: Buyer.

6433: Company Required Fields

We've added new fields for Customer Quote: Sales Force and Field Sales Force.

6392: Counter Sales

Added new field level security that allows the price field to be secured, just like in Sales Orders and Customer Quotes.

6509: Customer Collections Call

Added a column to the details grid that shows which user took the previous call notes.

4995: Customer Quote

Added a user-maintained Promised By Date at the line level. When populated, this value will be passed to the corresponding sales order line when the quote is released.

6434: Customer Return

Added the select/deselect all checkbox to the top of the grid.

6531: Customer Return

Added the ellipsis button to the Requested By field so that users can search for a contact name.

6535: Physical Count Worksheet

Changed the Reorder Class filter to be Begin at Reorder Class. Added End at Reorder Class filter.

6375: Sales Order

Freight Charges can now be manipulated by the user. Previously, they were defaulted by the setting within the customer record, but could not be changed by the user.

6376: Sales Order

We've added a new hold called Backorder. We've also added a switch in Sales Settings (in the Configuration Utility) called Place Partially Shipped Orders on Backorder Hold. When this switch is true, and an order goes into Partially Shipped status after the Shipping process, the new hold will be automatically set by the system.

6381: Sales Order

Bottom Line Discounts can now be assigned to customers. When assigned, new sales orders created for those customers will have the bottom line discount assigned to them as well.

6391: Sales Order

When changing the Taxable flag at the header level, the user is now prompted with a question that asks if the lines should be updated as well. If the answer is "Yes" the system will automatically set the flag on any line that hasn't already been shipped.

6399: Sales Order

Service items can now be Vendor Drop Shipped.

6583: Sales Order

Ordered By is now part of the default search pattern.

4501: Vendor Invoice Charge Maintenance

We created a new screen that allows you to define charges for Vendor Invoices. This includes a name for the charge, as well as a general ledger account. This area is similar to the Purchase Order Expedite Notes area. If you choose to define any of the charges, they will be available to select within the Charges area of Vendor Invoice.

6462: Vendor Return Confirmation

This screen is now tied into the Dynamic Inquiry.

6556: Warehouse Bin Maintenance

The search in this screen is now tied to the selected Warehouse instead of the user's default warehouse.

Bug Fixes

6588: Customer Document Inquiry

Corrected an unhandled exception that occurred when using special characters in any of the free-form text search fields..

6597: Customer Quote

Corrected an unhandled exception that occurred when the user clicked "Copy This Quote" before they supplied a customer.

6532: Customer Return

Corrected a cosmetic issue with the Restock Fee field. Although the value was being updated correctly, the updated value wasn't always being displayed on the screen unless the user interacted with the widget.

6596: Purchase Order

Corrected an issue that prevented the new item search routine from including the vendor's item number as part of the search pattern.

6564: Sales Invoice

Corrected an unhandled exception that occurred when trying to retrieve an invoice that is tied to a customer that doesn't have a Customer Name.

6586: Sales Order

Corrected an unhandled exception that occurred when deleting an order that had an attached document.

6585: Summary Billing

Corrected an unhandled exception that was caused by the user clicking the Post button twice.

6372: Unit Cost Adjustment

Corrected an issue that allowed the user to input a negative cost and still post the adjustment.

6507: Unit Cost Adjustment

Corrected an issue that could lead to conflicting values between inventory value and the GL. This only occurred when using Weighted Average Costing, when more than one inventory layer was currently available, and the user performed a Unit Cost Adjustment.

6489: Vendor Invoice

The user is now prevented from creating an invoice for a Closed vendor.

6557: Vendor Invoice

Corrected an issue that was causing landed cost to be included in the subtotal and therefore part of the discount calculation.