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Release Notes»Version 2013.5.0.1
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Last modified on 11/16/2013 2:36 PM by User.


Version 2013.5.0.1

This version was released to all customers on November 18, 2013.



Major Enhancements

2504: Dashboard

We've added a new area to the Inquiry section called the 'Dashboard'. This dashboard is specific to your user account and can be customized, to a certain extent, to meet your requirements. The dashboard that you see is assigned to you by your system administrator.

At the time of release, we've included three default dashboards: Collections, Executive, and Operations. Please see the wiki article for more information.

2505: Wiki Help

Throughout the application, pressing the F1 key will now take you to the appropriate article on our wiki. For example, pressing F1 while in the 'Terms of Sale' screen will open your browser to the 'AR Term Maintenance' wiki article.

At this time, the wiki is only partially completed and most of the completed articles pertain to file maintenance areas. We're adding content as quickly as we can, so check back regularly.

Minor Enhancements

2518: Customer Return

We've added functionality to help users "Close" a customer return. When a return has been partially received, canceled, or edited in such a way as to render it complete, the system will now prompt the user to set the status of the return as complete.

2532: Document Settings

In Document Control Settings, the user can now specify additional placeholder text in the Email Body field as well as the Fax Coversheet field. Placeholder text is case-sensitive, so we've tried to cover multiple spellings. The new placeholder text that is acceptable is:

  • to show the customer's PO number [CustomerPO] [customerPO] [customerpo]
  • to show the document's date [DocumentDate] [documentDate] [documentdate]

The customer PO placeholder only applies to sales order and sales invoice related documents and will be ignored on all other documents. The document date placeholder applies to all documents except for customer statements. The document date is different depending on the document in question, but is generally the creation date. For example, in a customer acknowledgement, it would be the sales order's 'Ordered on Date'.

2520: Dynamic Inquiry

Added code to make the Vendor Address area more readable in the Vendor Information section.

2524: Grid Menus

We've added a new option to the popup menu that is present in grids throughout the system. When the user right-clicks on a grid, they will now be presented with an option to "Allow Horizontal Scrolling". When selected, the columns will no longer be automatically sized to fit within the grid. The user will then be able to resize columns and use the horizontal scroll bar to access any columns that no long fit within the viewable portion of the screen.

385: Price and Cost Change

We've implemented the functionality behind the 'Effective Date'. When the 'Effective Date' is set to today's date, the system will update all modified records as soon as the user posts. When the 'Effective Date' is set into the future, the system will simply store the changes but not apply them. We added a new scheduled job to the system titled 'Apply Price & Cost Changes' that will run every day at 10 PM (by default). When that job runs, it will apply all changes that have reached their 'Effective Date'.

2502: Promotion Maintenance

The standard right-click menu has been added to all of the grids so that users can choose to display the footer.

2373: Purchase Order Receiving

Functionality has been restored to the 'Quantity to Return' field in the grid. This quantity will cause the system to generate or append to a VRA for the item and quantity in question.

2483: Purchase Order Receiving

Restored functionality to delete unit control numbers from the lower grid.

2205: Sales Order

When the user changes the 'Pick On Date' at the header level, they will be asked if they want to change the date at the line level as well. If the answer is 'Yes', all lines that haven't yet shipped will have their date updated to match the new date in the header. We also took this opportunity to close a loophole that allowed users to change the 'Pick On Date' on an order that was already in 'Being Picked' or 'Being Shipped' status.

2206: Sales Order

We added a visual cue to draw the user's attention to a Late After date that is earlier than the order's Pick On date.

2398: Unit Cost Adjustment

Unit Cost Adjustments will now update the item's last cost (when appropriate) as well as the vendor item's last cost.

Bug Fixes

2490: Dynamic Inquiry

Corrected a cosmetic issue that caused Custom Fields to appear multiple times.

2318: Kit Availability

Corrected an issue that overstated the quantity of kits that could be assembled when at least one of the components didn't have enough quantity available to complete the full request.

2489: Pay Vendors

Corrected an issue that could cause the header and its details to be out of synch when the user used a combination of 'Check All' and checking / unchecking specific details.

2474: Purchase Order

Corrected an issue that allowed the user to add a stocked item to the purchase order even though the item was not an active item. Users are now prevented from purchasing items that are set to "Do Not Reorder" or "Inactive" at the stock item level.

2485: Purchase Order Receipt

The receiving grid mistakenly displayed an empty row for adding a new line to the grid. This caused an issue if the user accidentally clicked the check box in that row. The empty row has been removed.

2538: Sales Invoice

Corrected an issue that caused the user to receive a message indicating "Tracking is not supported for the selected carrier". Newly added carriers or carrier services were not being properly accounted for.

2468: Sales Order

Corrected a stock quantity issue. The incorrect quantity was being recorded in the quantity committed field. The inaccuracy occurred when: 1. The user created a sales order line detail to transfer the item from another warehouse. 2. The source warehouse didn't have enough stock to fulfill the request. 3. The user then deleted the sales order line detail. Under this scenario, the commit quantity field of the stock item record at the source warehouse was being set incorrectly.

2486: Sales Order

Corrected an issue that caused the phone number fields in "Shipping Information" to throw an error.

2473: Vendor Drop Ship Confirmation

Corrected an issue that could cause problems on the sales order that generated the vendor drop ship. If the sales order was in 'Being Picked' status and a user posted a Vendor Drop Ship Confirmation, the system was incorrectly setting the sales order's status to 'Partially Shipped'. The system now correctly detects this scenario and leaves the order in 'Being Picked' status.