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Release Notes»Version 2016.1.1.1
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Last modified on 4/29/2016 12:20 PM by User.


Version 2016.1.1.1

This version was released to all customers on May 2,  2016.

Minor Enhancements

7117: Acclamare Look and Feel

There is a new skin available: Metropolis Dark.

7019: Alerts

In an attempt to increase the visibility of mandatory alerts, the notification pop-up has been moved to the upper left corner of the screen.

6970: Carrier Maintenance

The Freight Income field is now a required field. This change will avoid a situation that could cause an error in Sales Invoice Post if the value was left empty.

7020: Counter Sales

When taking a payment for a counter sale that contains both lines and credits, the payment amount is now being defaulted to the net amount due.

7081: Counter Sales

Added a new button to the Action menu and main toolbar for One Step Completion ... This action will allow the user to take a payment, post the sale, and print a receipt with just one button click. If any step is not completed, the subsequent step(s) are not fired.

7027: Customer Credit

Added Attached Document functionality.

7029: Customer Credit

Added a hyperlink to the "Source" field in the vertical grid so the user can quickly open the associated RMA/UMA.

3710: Customer Payment

In the credit area, an overpayment row now shows the reference number of the payment that originally created the overpayment.

6951: Customer Payment

Added functionality for Cash payments.

  • Added a visual cue to the Balance To Apply row that's visible when the value isn't $0.
  • When change is due, posting the payment will prompt the user that change is due and include the dollar figure.
  • The prompt will ask if the change is being refunded or if an overpayment should be created.
  • If change is tendered, the payment amount is reduced to the net payment (cash less refund).
  • If change is not given, an overpayment will be created as usual.

7021: Customer Payment

When the user changes the payment type to "Cash", the system will now automatically set the reference to "CASH".

7040: Customer Payment

Added the ability to post a reversal and an NSF to a different period.

7017: Customer Refund

Added a new button to the Action Menu: Process Refund to Original Credit Card Payment ...

There are several things that will prevent the user from using this function:

  • No rows are selected.
  • More than one row is selected.
  • The row that is selected is for a Manual AR Credit. This function only works with Customer Credits and Overpayments.
  • The customer credit is not tied to an RMA or UMA, which means the document is not tied to a sales invoice.
  • The customer credit is tied to a document, but that document is not tied to a sales invoice.
  • The system was able to determine a single sales invoice, but that invoice is not in Paid status.
  • The system was able to determine a single sales invoice, but that invoice is involved in multiple Customer Payments.
  • The system found a customer payment, but the payment is not a Credit Card payment.
  • The system found a customer payment, but the payment hasn't been deposited yet.
  • The system found a customer payment, but it is not in Sale or Post-Auth status. It can, and should be, voided instead.
  • The system found a customer payment, but it is for multiple documents.

7018: Document Settings

Added a BCC column that accepts multiple email addresses. When a document is emailed, the system will automatically BCC all addresses listed for that document type.

5636: Incoming Stock

Added a column chooser option for the order date.

7059: Item Search

Added four new columns for the SKU values of Quantity On Hand, Quantity Available, Quantity Backordered, and Quantity On Order. The existing columns were left as the Quantity UM Values. Also modified all existing price, cost, and quantity columns. Values that are in SKU are followed by (S), values that are in Quantity UM are followed by (Q)

7124: Item Search

Added a visual cue that simply states "This is a new item." when the item's DateAdded is within the last 14 days.

7084: Monthly Finance Charges

The user can now specify the number of days past due an invoice can be before triggering a finance charge.

7063: Pay a Vendor

Added a visual cue to the Available Credits column. This will also appear in the column and row indicator in Pay Vendors.

7065: Physical Count

The Class drop-down now has a description column.

7066: Physical Count

Add a filter to include or exclude items with no system quantity on hand.

7067: Physical Count

Added a filter that will allow the user to include or exclude items that have not had any activity since the last time the item was counted.

7114: Print Preview

When using the PDF Print Preview, the user can now use Save As ... to "export" the document to a new PDF file.

7069: Promotion Maintenance

When mass adding customers, accounts that are closed or on hold are no longer added.

7085: Promotion Maintenance

When using the mass add customer feature, the user can now specify the family discount and customer bracket flags

105: Purchase Order

Users can now cancel the remaining quantity on a line that is not going to be received.

7086: Purchase Order

When manually adding a PO, if the user modifies the cost, they are now asked if the vendor item record should be updated as well.

7088: Purchase Order

Added Attached Document functionality.

4018: Sales Order

When using customer item numbers, if the user types over the existing number, they are now being asked if the number is new or a replacement.

5817: Sales Order

Phase I of implementing the Allow Decimals flag in Item Maintenance. Currently, it is implemented as follows:

  • It only works at the sales order line level.
  • The user will get an "Information" cue in the row indicator, if either the quantity or committed is a fractional quantity.
  • The user will get a "Warning" cue in the quantity cell if it is a fractional value.
  • The user will get a "Warning" cue in the quantity committed cell if it is a fractional value.
  • It does not work at the detail level.
  • It does not work in any other sales, purchasing, or inventory screens.
  • It only works at the initial entry of the line.
    • This was done to mirror the way the other "information" or "warning" messages work.
    • Also done to avoid issues with historical data.

5846: Sales Order

Added a new button to the Estimated Rebate column. This button allows the user to clear the rebate when this particular sale won't be eligible for a vendor rebate.

6255: Sales Order

The Allow Backorders flag has been removed. This was a legacy field that was never implemented and has an overlap with item statuses that also prevent backordering.

6866: Sales Order

This is a two-part enhancement.

  • First, there is a new File Maintenance area called Sales Order Cancel Note Maintenance. In this area, you can define reasons that sales order lines may be canceled.
  • Second, a new column has been added to the Sales Order screen that allows the user to note the reason that the line is being canceled. This works similar to the functionality found with Purchase Order Expedite and its Note Maintenance. The user can select one of the predefined notes or supply their own free-form reason.

7023: Sales Order

The user is now being prompted if they try to reprint a pick ticket on an order that is already in Being Picked status.

7060: Sales Order

Added visual cues to the Commit and Backorder fields to indicate when virtual stock is available.

7082: Search Screens

Added a hot key under the S in Search Criteria.

7068: Targeted Picking

Added a filter for all documents exclude backorder documents backorder documents only

2224: Unmatched Purchase Receipt Purge

Vendor Drop Shipments can now be purged.

7004: Vendor Credit

Added Attached Document functionality.

5607: Vendor History Inquiry

The detail grid is now available for Vendor Credits. The detail grid will show which document(s) the credit was applied to.

7064: Vendor Maintenance

Terms is now a required field.

6880: Vendor Payment Search

Added the ability to search for a payment by status.

Bug Fixes

6861: Attached Documents

Corrected an unhandled exception caused by the user not having network permissions to access the folder and/or file. The exception is now being caught and displayed to the user.

7000: Attached Documents

Corrected an unhandled exception that occurred when the file has been deleted, moved, or renamed outside of the application. When the user clicks the file to open it, the file cannot be found.

6885: Counter Sale

Corrected an unhandled exception caused by the typical "where" error at the header level.

7003: Counter Sales

Corrected an unhandled exception that occurred when the user manually set the price on a line that was family priced.

6840: Customer Payment

Corrected an unhandled exception that happened when the user tried to add an attached document while the screen was empty, or when the payment wasn't in a state that could be saved.

6860: Customer Payment

Corrected an unhandled exception caused by the typical "where" error at the credit level, most likely the associated document number.

6924: Customer Payment

Corrected an issue that occurred when the user abandoned a credit card payment, but still saved it.

6897: General Ledger Recurring Entry Release

Corrected a posting issue that occurred when the entries were set to be automatically reversed. If this was done in the final period of the year, the reversing entries were set to the correct date, but not the correct fiscal year and period.

6947: Item Search

Corrected an unhandled exception that was caused by a column in the Advanced Search being incorrectly included.

6853: Kit Order

Corrected an unhandled exception caused by the typical "where" error, most likely the item number for the kit (header).

7156: Merge Items

Corrected and unhandled exception that occurred if the item being removed had associated price/cost change records.

6881: Purchase Receipt

Corrected an unhandled exception caused by the typical "where" error at the line level.

6997: Quantity Adjustment

Users are now prevented from increasing availability on inactive items.

7002: Sales Invoice Post

Vendor Drop Shipment lines on sales invoices are no longer being recognized for usage statistics.

6867: Sales Order

Corrected an issue that could let the user edit the Created By field.

6926: Sales Order

Corrected an issue that could cause the wrong Minimum Order bracket to be chosen when multiple brackets existed.

7070: Sales Order

Corrected an issue that prevented Static POs from being automatically assigned to sales orders that originated from being released from a quote or P&A.

6865: Usage Adjustments

Corrected an issue that allowed the user to try to do a negative adjustment.