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Release Notes»Version 2016.1.0.3
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Last modified on 2/22/2016 4:00 PM by User.


Version 2016.1.0.3

This version was released to all customers on February 9, 2016.

Minor Enhancements

6789: Customer Job

Added Terms so that it can be specified on a job-by-job basis, instead of just at the customer/location level.

6790: Customer Job

Added a Notes field at the header level.

6121: Customer Maintenance

Added the standard "Waiting" dialog to both Price Sheet functions.

6830: Item Attached Documents Inquiry

We've added a new Inquiry that allows the user to search for an item and get a list of all possibly related documents and their attachments.

6720: Item Search

Added a column chooser option for MSRP.

6819: Replenishment

Added Review Date as a column chooser option.

6413: Sales Order

Within "Shipping Information", the user can now specify the UPS or FedEx account number for the one-time shipping address. When applicable, this value will be utilized in the Shipment process during manifesting.

6917: Sales Order

The "Totals" screen now displays the total weight being shipped as well as the total weight of the order. These values are based on the item's SKU weight value.

6923: Sales Order

Freight based on Freight Charges are now being calculated based on the total weight of the order when the Freight Charge Basis is Weight. Free Freight based on Freight Allowances are also now being calculated based on this new functionality.

6811: Stock Item Maintenance

We've made several changes to the system to automatically set and maintain the Review Date value.

  • When creating a new stock item record in file maintenance, the Review Date is now set to today's date plus four weeks.
  • The Review Date is still manually editable.
  • Added a new Scheduled Job for Stock Item Review Dates. It's set to run daily by default. The job simply looks for any Review Dates that are at least three days old and sets it to the current Review Date plus the number of weeks defined in the Review Cycle.

6844: Upgrade of DevExpress Widgets

We've upgraded to the latest version of the DevExpress widgets that are used throughout the Acclamare user interface. This new version includes two new skins: Office 2016 Colorful & Office 2016 Dark.

Bug Fixes

6814: Counter Sales

Corrected an unhandled exception that was caused by the typical "where" error at the line level.

6820: Customer Return Receipt

Added code to try to prevent an unhandled exception that was caused by missing data in rows that were added during data conversion from a previous system.

6702: Merge Vendors

Corrected an unhandled exception that was caused by the "removed" vendor having vendor families that were tied to vendor items. We are now setting the transferred vendor item record's FamilyId to null.

6760: Pay a Vendor

Corrected an unhandled exception that was caused by user Reversing a payment before providing all required fields.

6813: Physical Count Worksheet

Corrected an unhandled exception that was caused by using the Sort option of Bin Number.

5428: Price and Cost Changes

Corrected an unhandled exception that was caused by the user specifying a vendor item list price change, but not providing a vendor parameter. This was fixed by preventing any actions when the Vendor List Change Method is set to anything but None and there is no vendor specified.

6136: Price and Cost Changes

Corrected an unhandled exception that was caused by the user clearing the Effective Date and then attempting to post.

6832: Purchase Order Receiving

Corrected an issue that prevented the user from setting the Excess Disposition to Add to Document.

6815: Sales Order

Corrected an issue that could prevent Freight from being recalculated when nothing on the order was changed other than the Freight Charge value.

6741: Vendor Maintenance

Corrected an unhandled exception that could occur when using the "Save As" feature.