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Last modified on 1/16/2019 12:22 PM by User.


Acclamare Installation and Upgrade Wizard


The Acclamare Installation and Upgrade Wizard is the utility that is used to install, upgrade, or modify your Acclamare system. This utility should always be run on the machine that will host your middle tier.


This utility provides six different options:

  1. Installation
  2. Express Upgrade
  3. Upgrade with Options
  4. Modify an Existing Installation
  5. Add a New Company
  6. Request a License


Installations will typically be performed by Acclamare personnel or by your VAR partner. This option is automatically triggered under one of the following conditions:

  • Your company is new to Acclamare and has never been setup before.
  • Your company is an existing Acclamare customer and you are upgrading from a version prior to 2016.1.2 to a version that is 2016.1.2 or later.
  • Your company is an existing Acclamare customer that is on version 2016.1.2 or later, but you are installing the system on new hardware.

Once an installation has been completed, this option is no longer available as it has now become unnecessary. Each new version that is installed will now become an upgrade instead of an Installation.

Installations walk you through the following steps:

  1. Welcome Message
  2. Server Settings
  3. Client Configuration
  4. Progress
  5. Completion

Express Upgrade

Once a site has been properly installed, each subsequent version released will now be presented to the user as an upgrade. An Express Upgrade is the shortest path to upgrading your Acclamare system. With this option, all predefined settings (provided during the Installation step) are utilized, your database is upgraded, and all system files are distributed automatically without the need to see or modify any of these settings.

To perform an Express Upgrade, you will go through the following steps:

  1. Welcome Message
  2. Upgrade Type. Express Upgrade is selected by default.
  3. Progress
  4. Completion

Upgrade with Options

This option allows you to make modifications to your installation prior to performing the upgrade. All of the steps performed by the Express Upgrade are still performed, you’re simply being allowed to make modifications to any settings prior to performing the actual upgrade.

To perform an Upgrade with Options, you will go through the following steps:

  1. Welcome Message
  2. Upgrade Type. This is where you select Upgrade with Options.
  3. Server Settings
  4. Client Configuration
  5. Progress
  6. Completion

Modify an Existing Installation

This option allows you to make modifications to your installation without performing an upgrade. This would most commonly be used when you are not actually performing an upgrade, but you do need to modify server settings or configuration files.

To perform a modification, you will go through the following steps:

  1. Welcome Message
  2. Upgrade Type. This is where you select Modify an Existing Installation.
  3. Server Settings
  4. Client Configuration
  5. Progress
  6. Completion

Add a New Company

This option allows you to create a new, empty company database. This option will typically be performed by Acclamare personnel or by your VAR partner.

To add a new company, you will go through the following steps:

  1. Welcome Message
  2. Upgrade Type. This is where you select Add a New Company.
  3. New Company. Here, you will specify the name of the database and the name of the company.
  4. Server Settings
  5. Client Configuration
  6. Progress
  7. Completion

Request a License

This option will send a request for a new license to Acclamare. This option will typically be performed by Acclamare personnel or by your VAR partner. This step only needs to be performed after a new installation at a site that has not previously been on Acclamare, or if the system is being installed on new hardware.

Settings and Options

Installations and upgrades have some common screens that will be explained in further detail below.

Server Settings

These values are provided per company. On this screen, you will see a grid with one row per company that is installed at your site. Each field requires a value. The fields are:

  • Company: This is simply the name of the company.
  • Communication Protocol. This is the protocol your system will use to communicate between the clients and middle tier. It can have one of the following values:
    • TCP. This is the most common choice.
    • HTTP
    • IPC. This option is provided for the use of Acclamare and partners with source code and shouldn’t be utilized in a live processing environment.
  • Communication Formatter. This is the format that is used to bundle the data that is transmitted between clients and the middle tier. It can have one of the following values:
    • Binary. This is the most common choice.
    • SOAP.
  • Base URL. This is the base URL that will be used by the middle tier to communicate with the clients.
  • Port. This is the port that, in conjunction with the Base URL, is used by the middle tier to communicate with the clients.
  • SSRS Address. This is the base URL for your SQL Server Reporting Services installation.
  • SSRS Report Folder. This is the root folder on your SQL Server Reporting Services installation that houses all of your Acclamare reports.
  • Client Configuration File Name. This is the name that you choose for client configuration files related to this company. Each company should have its own distinct file name in order for the system to function properly. Do not include the file extension here, the system will generate that portion of the file name automatically.
  • Client Upgrade Folder. This is the path to the folder where all client upgrade files will be stored. This location should be a network folder that is accessible by all clients. When performing an installation or upgrade, the routine will automatically place all relevant client files in this folder. When the Acclamare Launcher is executed on a client machine, it will check this folder for new files and download them when applicable. Each company should have its own folder.
  • Command Center Upgrade Folder. This works exactly like the Client Upgrade Folder, but it instead functions for the Command Center. All of the statements made about the Client Upgrade Folder apply to this folder as well. This folder should also be distinct from the Client Upgrade Folder.
  • Middle Tier Installation Folder. This is the folder where the middle tier for this company is installed. Since the Installation and Upgrade Wizard should be run from the same machine, this is a local folder and need not be network accessible. Unlike the other two folders, this one is not an upgrade folder; it is the site of the actual installation. Each company must have its own folder.
  • Help Improve Acclamare by Automatically Sending Error Reports. When checked, errors are automatically reported to Acclamare's bug tracking system. This helps us identify and resolve issues that occur in the software.
  • Use Avalara for Tax Calculations: If you have an account with Avalara, this is where you enable the use of that service. If checked, Acclamare will use your Avalara account to calculate sales taxes. If unchecked, Acclamare will use its own built-in tax calculations.
  • Address Validation Method: This drop-down specifies how you want to validate addresses in Acclamare. In each screen that contains an address, there is a button in the Zip Code field that can be pressed to validate the address to one degree or another. Here, you will choose which method your company wishes to use. There are currently three options:
    • Manual: You will manually validate addresses. When you press the button in the Zip Code field, Acclamare will open your web browser and perform a search for the address using Bing. Acclamare will then ask you if the address is valid with a simple Yes/No question.
    • Zip Code: If your site purchases zip code data from one of the various vendors we've recommended over the years, you can use this option to partially validate the address. With this method, everything except the street address is validated.
    • Avalara: If your site has an account with Avalara, you can choose to use their robust address validation service. If you select the check box above (Use Avalara for Tax Calculations), this method will be selected for you automatically.

Client Configuration

Currently, there are only two options on this screen.

  • Sales Order Screen
    • Sales Order with Header Located Across the Top of the Screen (default)
    • Sales Order with Header Located on the Left Side of the Screen
  • Print Preview Screen
    • Use PDF Viewer for Print Preview (default)
    • Use Microsoft © ReportViewer for Print Preview


This page simply displays a typical progress bar to let you know that the system is processing your request. When the system has completed its tasks, you will automatically be advanced to the final screen.


This page lets you know that the system has completed all relevant tasks. Any relevant messages will also be displayed here. You can now click the Finish button and exit the wizard.