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Release Notes»Version 2013.3.0.6
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Last modified on 7/11/2013 10:11 AM by User.


Version 2013.3.0.6

This version was released to all customers on July 11, 2013. This build contains only bug fixes for crucial issues that were discovered in production environments.

Bug Fixes

2388: Bank Withdrawal

Corrected an issue that caused the General Ledger to be out of balance when posting customer refunds.

2390: Customer Payment

Corrected an issue that caused the "Balance to Apply" field to be incorrectly calculated when credits were being applied.

2391: Pay A Vendor

Corrected an issue that prevented vendor invoices from being partially paid. The screen would appear as-if the payment was successful, but the entire invoice would be paid anyway.

2393: Customer Payment

Corrected an issue that prevented customer payments from being opened in the screen if they payment was from a payor.