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Acclamare Desktop Client»File Maintenance»Item Maintenance»Item Unit of Measure Maintenan…
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Last modified on 1/6/2021 12:33 PM by User.


Item Unit of Measure Maintenance


This screen is used to set up alternate units of measurements for items that you sell. The units that you create here are in addition to the ones in the item's SKU, Quantity UM, and Price/Cost UM fields. These units will be displayed in any sales related and inventory related areas that allow the user to select a different unit of measure than the default. This feature is typically used when an item is stocked and sold in more than a couple of units of measure. For example, the SKU might be Each, while the Quantity and Price/Cost is Box, but your company may also stock and/or sell the item in Case and Pallet units.

What does this field do?

Charge Broken Box Fee

This flag indicates that you wish to charge a broken box fee when selling in this unit of measurement. Your company may buy and stock this item by the box, but is willing to break the box and sell a partial quantity. If your company does this and wants to charge the customer for breaking the box open, then check this checkbox.

There is also a field in the customer record that indicate whether or not to charge a broken box fee. If that setting is unchecked, then no broken box fee will be charged regardless of the value in this screen.