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Acclamare Desktop Client»File Maintenance»Customer Maintenance
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Last modified on 2/11/2020 8:59 AM by User.


Customer Maintenance


This interface is used to store information about customers that you sell goods and services to. The information stored here will be used throughout all sales and accounts receivable related areas.

What does this field do?

Tax Exempt Number

Used to record this customer's tax exemption number. If your site is using the built-in tax calculations provided by Acclamare, this field is merely for informational purposes and has no bearing on tax calculations. If you are, instead, using Avalara for tax calculations, this field is partly used in determining the taxability of this customer, which taxes apply, and to record taxes for auditing purposes. If no value is provided, it is assumed that this customer is taxable.

Entity Use Code

If your site is using the built-in tax calculations provided by Acclamare, this field is merely for informational purposes and has no bearing on tax calculations. If you are, instead, using Avalara for tax calculations, this field, combined with the Tax Exempt Number, is used in determining the taxability of this customer, which taxes apply, and to record taxes for auditing purposes. If no value is provided, it is assumed that this customer is taxable.


Please see this article on the Sales Order page for more information.

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