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Release Notes»Version 2014.2.4.4
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Last modified on 10/28/2014 9:55 AM by User.


Version 2014.2.4.4

This version was released to all customers on October 27, 2014.

Bug Fixes

4120: Customer Quote

Corrected an issue that caused the price to be calculated incorrectly when using "Reprice This Quote Using Markup".

4163: Customer Quote

Corrected an issue that could allow a line number to become 0 when the user was trying to move a different line to be the last line of the quote.

4126: Dynamic Inquiries

Corrected an issue that prevented the vendor's status from being displayed in the Vendor Information tab.

4127: Dynamic Inquiries

Corrected an issue that prevented the vendor's terms from being displayed in the Vendor Information tab.

4125: Dynamic Inquiry

Corrected an issue that prevented the customer's status from being displayed in the Customer Information tab.

4143: Unit Cost Adjustment

Corrected an issue that prevented the user from performing an adjustment on a Vendor Drop Shipment from within the Vendor Invoice interface.

4159: Vendor Drop Ship Confirmation

Corrected an issue that allowed to user to specify a different PO# after lines had already been retrieved for the first PO# the user entered. This is now being prevented. The user should delete the existing Confirmation and create a new one if they discover they have entered the incorrect PO#.