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Release Notes»Version 2014.2.6.0
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Last modified on 12/1/2014 2:57 PM by User.


Version 2014.2.6.0

This version was released to all customers on December 1, 2014.

Minor Enhancements

4316: Complimentary Items

Added a column chooser option for SKU so that the user can see the unit of measure being used for the complimentary item.

4294: Item Sales History

This inquiry has been rewritten to improve performance.

Bug Fixes

4234: Item Maintenance

Corrected a cosmetic issue that made prices and costs appear in SKU even though the item had a Price UM that did not match SKU.

4263: Promotions

Corrected an issue at the item level that produced incorrect pricing to be displayed if the item had a price UM that did not match the SKU UM.

4243: Purchase Order Receiving

Corrected an issue that left POs in Being Received status after a receipt was started but then deleted.

4322: Sales Invoice

Corrected an unhandled exception that occurred when the user pressed "Tracking Numbers ..." while the screen was empty.

4331: Sales Invoice Printing

Corrected an unhandled exception that occurred when the user pressed "Print Preview ..." while the screen was empty.

4281: Sales Order

Corrected an issue that caused the price to be calculated incorrectly when using "Reprice This Order Using Markup".