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Release Notes»Version 2017.1.0.5
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Last modified on 5/15/2017 2:42 PM by User.


Version 2017.1.0.5

This version was released to all customers on May 15, 2017. This build contains only bug fixes for crucial issues that were discovered in production environments.

Bug Fixes

7821: Carrier Maintenance

Corrected an unhandled exception that occurred when the user tried to delete a Carrier Service while the grid was sorted.

7942: Counter Sales

Corrected an issue that prevented any payment from being taken within this screen.

7824: Customer Document Inquiry

Corrected an unhandled exception that occurred when the user entered an invalid date in either the From Date or To Date field.

7820: Item Maintenance

Corrected an unhandled exception that could occur when deleting a vendor item bracket.

7940: My User Account

Corrected a problem that forced the System Shortcuts Maintenance and Document Control Maintenance screens to close immediately after opening.

7787: Price & Availability

Corrected an unhandled exception that occurred when the user started a new document, did not supply a value for the customer field, then clicked the "Release to Sales Order" button.

7918: Replenishment

Corrected an issue that lead to the Company Setting for Consolidate PO Lines being ignored. If this setting was set to False, and the replenishment had multiple special order lines for the same item, the flag was ignored and the special orders were being consolidated onto a single PO line.

7938: Screen Toolbars

Made a change to the widget's settings to compensate for a bug within the widget that was preventing user customizations from being restored. This only affected a few screens, and only if the user had created their own toolbar. If customizations were done to any Acclamare toolbar, they were still persisted.

7875: Vendor Maintenance

Corrected an unhandled exception that occurred when using the "Save As" feature.

7795: Vendor Search

Corrected an unhandled exception that occurred when using the Advanced Search on a custom field.