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Release Notes»Version 2017.2.0.1
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Last modified on 6/29/2017 1:32 PM by User.


Version 2017.2.0.1


This version was released to all customers on Thursday, June 29, 2017.

Major Enhancements

2510: Service & Repair

We've added a new area to the system for Service & Repair. This is our first time dealing with this type of system. As such, the functionality is fairly limited at this time. If your company offers repair services, please give this new feature a try and let us know what your feedback is! You can read a little more about this new area here.

Bug Fixes

7794: Acclamare Command Center

Added a 'User' drop-down to the screen when adding a Sales Invoice Post or Replenishment job. Previously, the value was required, but the drop-down wasn't visible and this prevented the user from being able to add either of these job types.

8031: Customer Advanced Search

Corrected an unhandled exception that occurred when the user changed one of the date filters to be less than 1/1/1753 or greater than 12/31/9999.

8024: Customer Payments

Corrected an unhandled exception that was caused by the typical 'where' error at the detail level.

7957: Customer Quote

Corrected an unhandled exception that could occur when selecting an alternate Quantity UM or Price UM.

7890: Kit Availability

Corrected an issue that could make it appear that more full kits could be built than was actually possible. This only occurred on kits with multiple components, which had at least one component that didn't have enough quantity available to fulfill the requested quantity, and which had at least one component that could fulfill the entire request.

7976: Kit Order

Corrected an unhandled exception that occurred when the user opened a Kit Order that contained a detail item that had no Item Description.

8040: Merge Items

Corrected an unhandled exception that occurred when the item being deleted was tied to a Vendor Quote line.

7975: Middle Tier Communications

Now trapping an error that can occur during communication between the client and middle tier that is caused by the middle tier server machine temporarily not being accessible on the network. The system now gives a more user-friendly message of "Acclamare encountered a network related issue."

8025: Pay a Vendor

Corrected an unhandled exception that occurred when the user clicked 'Save & New' while there was no payment loaded in the screen.

7954: Printing

Now trapping an error that can occur during printing that is caused by the printer temporarily not being accessible on the network. The system now gives a more user-friendly message of "Acclamare encountered a network related issue.".

8004: Purchase Order

Corrected an unhandled exception that could occur when selecting an alternate Quantity UM or Cost UM.

8044: Reporting Services Communications

Now trapping an error that can occur during communication between the client and SQL Server Reporting Services that is caused by the server machine temporarily not being accessible on the network. The system now gives a more user-friendly message of "Acclamare encountered a network related issue."

7924: Sales Order

Corrected an unhandled exception that occurred when the user clicked the 'Copy Sales Order' button prior to providing values for all required fields.

7967: Sales Order

Corrected an unhandled exception that could occur when selecting an alternate Quantity UM or Price UM.

8008: Sales Order

Corrected an issue that could cause the Backordered value in the Stocked Item record to be incorrect when the line had a detail that was fulfilling the quantity via Virtual Stock instead.

New and Updated Documentation

7980: Customer Quote

Added a new section that describes what the Expires On field does.

7991: Sales Order

Added a new section that details how to handle lines or details that need to be canceled or deleted.

7965: Vendor Invoice

Added a new section that describes how to reverse a posted invoice so that it can be edited.